WB&A Extension Trail
Making MD 704 bike and pedestrian-friendly
This project would extend the existing WB&A Trail southwest from Annapolis Road in Prince George’s County to the DC/MD border, using the former WB&A Railroad right-of-way (which currently lies along Martin Luther King Jr. Highway/MD 704.) The recommendation includes a wide sidewalk or paved side path along MLK Jr. Highway, but at this point, the final design has not yet been completed.
Quick Facts
Jurdisdiction: Prince George’s County
Length: 6.4 miles remaining
Plan Reference: Master Plan Trails (M-NCPPC)
Status: Not funded
Residents who live here are currently underserved by trails. Extending this trail would connect the WB&A Trail with the Marvin Gaye Trail in DC, the planned Central Avenue Connector Trail and Cabin Branch Trail in Prince George’s County. The extension would also provide continuous, bicycle/pedestrian access to nearby amenities, including Whitfield Community Park, Glenarden Community Center and King Shopping Center.
Where is this project in the trail network?
The WB&A Extension is highlighted in red. Click below to view the interactive web map.
When can you use it?
Trail development is complicated. Here’s where the WB&A Extension is in the process:
Who supports the WB&A Extension?
“The WB&A Extension Trail will be an incredible new way for Prince George’s County residents to run errands, get exercise, and go outside with friends and family. Separated from traffic, the trail will be a safe corridor for biking and walking, connecting PG County to DC and Anne Arundel County, as well as beyond to cities on the East Coast Greenway, a 3,000-mile long trail in development from Maine to Florida.”
—Daniel Paschall, East Coast Greenway Alliance