Trail Counters: What are they?
Trail counters are devices used to measure the number of cyclists and pedestrians using a trail. Information collected can be analyzed to determine peak trail use days/times, to understand use patterns by mode, and to best learn how to improve the user experience.
Counters are subject to some inaccuracies as numbers may be affected by the counter losing power, weather, and other factors associated with being outdoors. Because of this, there can sometimes be gaps in the data that make it difficult to compare month-to-month or year-to-year.
DDOT Counter Dashboard
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) maintains a system of automated counters that record the number of people walking and biking on trails in the District. DDOT also contracts with the National Park Service and manages many of their counters along the Anacostia River Trail. They began installation of the counters in 2014 and now have 18 in operation installed in both bicycle lanes and trails. These counters wirelessly transmit data daily through an application programming interface (API) allowing users to view information as it is received. To visit the site and investigate trail use in your area, click the link above!
BikeArlington Counter Dashboard
Arlington County maintains a system of automated counters used to collect active transportation data essential to building long-term support and improving conditions for walking and cycling. The county currently has 32 permanent installations as well as six portable counters to gauge and monitor usage and demand. The counter dashboard was developed to display data from counters for users to consult, improve, and analyze. It offers a number of filters such as mode (bicycle and/or pedestrians), direction, and day(s) of the week. To interact and find more information, click the link above!