Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA)
The mission of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association is to create a healthy, more livable region by promoting bicycling for fun, fitness, and affordable transportation; advocating for better bicycling conditions and transportation choices for a healthier environment; and educating children, adults, and motorists about safe bicycling.

Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC)
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (RTC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a nationwide network of trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to build healthier places for healthier people. RTC serves as the national voice for more than 160,000 members and supporters, 30,000 miles of rail-trails and multi-use trails, and more than 8,000 miles of potential trails waiting to be built, with a goal of creating more walkable, bikeable communities in America. RTC’s mission, and its value, is magnified in urban areas, where one mile of trail can completely redefine the livability of a community. Where trails are more than just recreational amenities, creating opportunities for active transportation and physical activity- improving our health and wellbeing- as they safely connect us to jobs, schools, businesses, parks and cultural institutions in our own neighborhoods and beyond.

Maryland Milestones/ATHA Inc.
Maryland Milestones/ATHA Inc. is the management entity for a Certified Maryland Heritage Area and seeks to preserve and promote the history, art, culture, and natural resources of the region. To achieve this work, we see bicycles as a vital part of bringing visitors to the region and connecting residents to our partner sites.

Latin American Youth Center (LAYC)
LAYC is a member of the UnidosUS Affiliate Network, collaborating on programs and advocacy to address the social, economic, and political barriers faced by the Latino community. Each year LAYC serves over 4,000 youth and families through youth centers, school-based sites, and public charter schools in the District of Columbia and Maryland’s Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties as the Maryland Multicultural Youth Centers (MMYC).

Trust for Public Land
At the Trust for Public Land, we don’t just save land—we save land for people to enjoy, from neighborhood parks to national parks. Our mission is to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. Every park, playground, and public space we create is an open invitation to explore, wonder, discover, and play. We’re proud to say that we’ve been connecting communities to the outdoors—and to each other—since 1972. Today, millions of Americans live within a 10-minute walk of a park or natural area we helped create, and countless more visit every year. Our Climate- Smart Cities Program is helping cities study, plan, and develop multi-benefit green infrastructure that can achieve combined carbon mitigation and climate adaptation outcomes with a focus on underserved populations where greening can help address unique vulnerabilities and promote climate justice.

Virginia Bicycling Federation
The Virginia Bicycling Federation is a statewide organization that advocates for better public policy in order to improve the safety, convenience, and acceptance of bicycling. We promote the benefits of bicycling in transportation, recreation, economic development, and public health. We work directly with elected officials, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) for greater legal protection and better infrastructure for people who bike.

Friends of Oxon Run Park
The Friends of Oxon Run Park meets monthly and has a board along with partners that represent the local and federal governments. “Recognizing the economic, social, environmental, and public health benefit of trails, our organization/agency, Friends of Oxon Run Park, is pleased to serve as a partner in the Capital Trails Coalition. We are committed in concept to the vision of a completed regional trail network and are willing to take part in pursuing the vision.”

AARP Maryland
AARP advocates on policy issues that matter most to Marylanders age 50 and over and their families. In our state legislative advocacy, we rely on our hundreds of volunteers and more than 870,000 members across Maryland.

Georgetown Business Improvement District (Georgetown BID)
The Georgetown BID is a publicly chartered, private, non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the accessibility, attractiveness and overall appeal of Georgetown’s commercial district. With more than 1,000 members, the organization’s mission focuses on keeping Georgetown clean, safe, accessible and economically strong. From marketing, communications and special events, to transportation, economic development, destination management and streetscape, the Georgetown BID contributes to the vitality and quality of life in Georgetown.

NoMa Business Improvement District (NoMa BID)
NoMa is a vibrant, growing mixed-use neighborhood, at the heart of Washington, D.C. NoMa has more than 18 million SF of office, hotel, retail, and residential space. The neighborhood is home to 3,836 new apartments and over 54,000 who people work here each day. NoMa is the most connected neighborhood in Washington, D.C. with unparalleled transportation access through Union Station, two Red Line Metro stops, and vehicular access to Interstate 395. Each year, the NoMa BID organizes more than 50 award-winning free community events, connecting more than 20,000 friends and neighbors.

District of Columbia Recreational Trails Advisory Committee
The Recreational Trail Advisory Committee assists with the administration of the Recreational Trails Program. The committee selects the projects and sends recommendations to DDOT to include in its annual budget. Then DDOT then manages the project with the sponsor. Members of the Advisory Committee are appointed by the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

Montgomery County Planning Department
The Montgomery County Planning Department aims to improve quality of life by conserving and enhancing the natural and built environment for current and future generations. The Planning Department creates great communities by developing master plans, reviewing applications for development and analyzing various types of information to help public officials plan for Montgomery County’s future.

BeechTree Pedalers
BeechTree Pedalers, Inc. (BTP) is dedicated to the interest of cycling enthusiasts. We are committed to the recreation, exercise, safety, and camaraderie of all cyclists; by providing an atmosphere of fun, fitness and fellowship!

Trust for the National Mall
The Trust for the National Mall is an official nonprofit partner of the National Park Service dedicated to sustainably restoring and improving the National Mall. Founded in 2007, the Trust is charged with bringing to life the National Mall Plan—a comprehensive blueprint for the future of the National Mall signed by the Department of Interior in 2010—through raising funds for deferred maintenance and capital improvement projects.

Urban Land Institute Washington
ULI is a nonprofit research and education organization supported by its members, representing the entire spectrum of land use and real estate development disciplines working in private enterprise and public service – including leading property owners, investors, advisors, developers, architects, lawyers, lenders, planners, regulators, contractors, engineers, university professors, librarians, students, and interns. Their mission is to provide leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities.

City of Alexandria Department of Transportation & Environmental Services
The City of Alexandria Department of Transportation & Environmental Services (T&ES) strives to improve the overall quality of life within the City of Alexandria through the development of a superior infrastructure. T&ES plans, builds, operates, and maintains transportation systems and infrastructure that improves mobility and provides people and businesses with core public services. The work T&ES does keeps Alexandrians moving, growing sustainability, and thriving.

Medical Society of the District of Columbia
With over 3,000 members, the Medical Society of the District of Columbia is the largest medical organization representing metropolitan Washington physicians in the District of Columbia. MSDC it is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of physicians and their patients in metropolitan Washington.

Anacostia Watershed Society
Founded in 1989, the Anacostia Watershed Society’s mission is to protect and restore the Anacostia River and its watershed communities. Their ultimate goal is to make the Anacostia River swimmable and fishable, in compliance with the federal Clean Water Act, for the health and enjoyment of all community members.

East Coast Greenway
The East Coast Greenway, conceived in 1991, is the nation’s most ambitious long-distance urban trail connecting urban centers and rural places together. By connecting existing and planned shared-use trails, a continuous, traffic-free route is being formed, serving self-powered users of all abilities and ages. At 3,000 miles long, the Greenway links Calais, Maine, at the Canadian border, with Key West, Florida.

Black Girls Do Bike
Black Girls Do Bike is establishing a comfortable place where female cyclists can support, advise, organize meet-ups/rides, and promote skill-sharing.

BikeArlington is Arlington County’s bike education and encouragement program. BikeArlington’s mission is to make it easy to get around Arlington by bike. Active modes of transportation, including walking, biking and rolling, are central to Arlington’s vision of an equitable transportation system that enhances the overall quality of life for those who live, work and play in Arlington County. BikeArlington supports this vision by providing programs that support active transportation choices.

Visit Alexandria
As the marketing voice of the City of Alexandria, Visit Alexandria is responsible for increasing tourism and conference revenues. Within eyesight of Washington, DC on the Potomac River waterfront, Alexandria, Virginia is nationally recognized for its acclaimed, chef-driven restaurants, bustling boutiques and dynamic arts set against a backdrop of 18th- and 19th-century architecture still intact from its days as George Washington’s hometown. Old Town Alexandria hums with a cosmopolitan feel and a walkable lifestyle—a hidden gem tucked beneath the nation’s capital.

The University of Maryland Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) provides a full range of parking and transportation services to a diverse community of more than 50,000 students, faculty and staff in the City of College Park. We are committed to developing and supporting a dynamic and diverse workforce that includes both students and full-time employment opportunities.The Department of Transportation Services strives to provide access to safe, cost-effective, sustainable and innovative services that anticipate the growing needs of our campus community.

Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
The Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is a nonprofit organization that connects people to the park through volunteer service, education, and recreation. This unique park, only a few miles from the Nation’s Capitol, reveals the only remaining tidal marsh in Washington, D.C., natural riparian environments along the Anacostia, and breathtaking historic water lily and lotus in ponds. Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens encourage public discovery of the park through community events, volunteer activities, and educational programs for youth.

DC Sustainable Transportation
DC Sustainable Transportation (DCST) works to make DC a global leader with frequent, rapid, safe, affordable, and reliable transportation to, from, and around DC job centers. DCST brings together business, advocacy, and government entities around shared priorities for DC transportation.

Mid-Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts (MORE)
Mid-Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts is a 501(c)3 – founded in 1992 and is a chapter club of the International Mountain Bicycling Association. MORE is one of the nation’s largest mountain bike clubs with over 1200 members. MORE maintains more than 40 trail systems in Maryland, DC and Virginia on a volunteer basis and is working toward creating additional mileage and other cycling related assets. We are committed to environmentally sound and socially responsible mountain biking, educating about the sport of mountain biking, maintaining local trails, and advocating for increased multi-user trail access.

DC Department of Parks and Recreation
The department plans, builds, and maintains publicly owned recreational facilities in District of Columbia, including athletic fields, community centers, parks, playgrounds, and more. It also manages publicly run recreational sports leagues for youth and adults as well as provides various outdoor activities (such as boating and camping) for youth, adults, and senior citizens.

September 11th National Memorial Trail
The September 11th National Memorial Trail is a 1,300 mile system of trails and roadways that are a symbol of resiliency and character that links the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in northern Virginia, and the Flight 93 Memorial in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It serves as a tribute to the fallen men and women who perished on September 11, 2001. The multipurpose trail system provides cyclists, hikers and walkers a valued public resource and an opportunity to experience breathtaking landscapes, visit new towns and engage in this unique (in the United States) pilgrimage trail.

District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE)
The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) is the leading authority on energy and environmental issues affecting the District of Columbia. Using a combination of regulations, outreach, education, and incentives, our agency administers programs and services to fulfill our mission. We work collaboratively with other government agencies, residents, businesses, and institutions to promote environmentally responsible behavior that will lead to a more sustainable urban environment. Sustainable DC is the District of Columbia’s plan to become the healthiest, greenest, most livable city in the nation by 2032.

Washington Rowing School
The Washington Rowing School was created to make the sport of rowing accessible to everyone. All classes launch from the Bladensburg Waterfront Park just outside of Washington, DC. The Washington Rowing School was founded in 2006.

Northern Virginia Regional Commission
The Northern Virginia Regional Commission (NVRC) is a regional council of fourteen member local governments in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. According to Virginia’s Regional Cooperation Act, NVRC is a political subdivision (a government agency) within the Commonwealth.

National Landing BID
The National Landing Business Improvement District (BID) is a non-profit organization that thrives on its strong private-public partnership with Arlington County and local property owners. Formerly known as the Crystal City BID from 2006 to 2020, this membership coalition continuously promotes and activates the local business, retail, restaurant, and residential community.
Washington Parks & People

Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling (FABB)
The Fairfax Alliance for Better Bicycling (FABB) is 501(c)3 non-profit based in Fairfax County. The objectives and purposes of FABB are to improve conditions for bicyclists in Fairfax County, Virginia, and independent localities within the county and to promote bicycling as viable and safe means of transportation that are environmentally friendly, economically beneficial, healthful and enjoyable.

Sierra Club- D.C. Chapter
The Sierra Club is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization. For more than 40 years, the DC Chapter of the Sierra Club has worked successfully to protect and improve the environment in the nation’s capital. Our members have helped to preserve hundreds of millions of acres of wild places, protect our air and water, and encourage action to address climate change. The DC Chapter has been instrumental in expanding clean and renewable energy, increasing recycling and reducing waste, and building a more equitable and more sustainable DC. We advocate for safe, livable, and healthy communities for all in DC.

Coalition for Smarter Growth
The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading nonprofit organization in the Washington DC region dedicated to making the case for smart growth. With 24,000 supporters across the DC region, its mission is to promote walkable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities, and the land use and transportation policies and investments needed to make those communities flourish.

Bike Maryland
The mission of Bike Maryland is to mission is to promote bicycling, increase safety, improve conditions, and provide a voice for bicyclists in Maryland.

C&O Canal Trust
The C&O Canal Trust is the official nonprofit partner of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park. Their mission is to work in partnership with the National Park Service to protect, restore, and promote the C&O Canal. C&O Canal Trust raises funds to preserve the Park for future generations and broaden support through programs that highlight the Park’s historical, natural, and cultural heritage and recreational opportunities.

DC Cycling Concierge

Black Women Bike DC
Black Women Bike DC’s mission is to build community and interest in biking among Black women and girls through education, advocacy and recreation. They are dedicated to creating more spaces where Black women and girls of all ages can ride safely for fun, health, wellness and transportation.

The American Discovery Trail Society

Washington Women Outdoors
Washington Women Outdoors (WWO) is a non-profit organization that is run almost entirely by volunteers. We engage in outdoor activities in the Washington, DC area where women share skills, experience, strengths, and support to enhance and expand each woman’s world.

Adventure Cycling Association
As the largest bicycle nonprofit in North America with over 51,000 members, Adventure Cycling Association inspires and empowers people to travel by bicycle. Adventure Cycling Association expands and integrates bike travel networks for North America, including mapping 46,000 miles of the Adventure Cycling Route Network and coordinating the development of the U.S. Bicycle Route System. They advocate for bicycle travel safety, convenience, and accessibility, and work with local, state and national partners to grow bicycle tourism. Adventure Cycling also offers over 100 organized tours in North America, publishes the Adventure Cyclist magazine, sells bike travel gear, and provides online resources, giving people the premier tools and inspiration to create their own bike travel adventures.

Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club is over 20,000 members strong. They are your friends and neighbors working to build healthy, livable communities, and to conserve and protect our climate and environment. The Virginia Chapter is part of the national Sierra Club, the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.

Gearin’ Up Bicycles
Gearin’ Up Bicycles’ purpose is to create career development opportunities and teach essential workplace skills to teenagers from underserved communities, while encouraging cycling as a practical, healthy means of transportation. Gearin’ Up provides access to quality, affordable, used bicycles for those in need and hosts various community outreach programs throughout the year.

Potomac Heritage Trail Association
The Potomac Heritage Trail Association mission is to complete, maintain, promote and celebrate the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail and trails connecting to it.

Public Health Impact
Public Health Impact helps organizations use data to better serve their communities, promote collective impact, and spark action towards social change. As a boutique consulting firm, we provide highly customized services, including evaluation, needs assessments, program planning, and community engagement. We work with nonprofits, local governments, and others who are working to address complex health and social issues. Our clients and partners take a systems approach to solving problems, value authentic community engagement, and pride themselves in challenging the status quo.
Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail
The Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail is an all volunteer organization committed to maintaining and improving the Mount Vernon Trail and promoting its safe use for all trail users.

DC Bicycle Advisory Council
The DC Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) represents the interests of bicyclists in Washington, DC local government. The BAC is an official public commission that advises the DC Council on bicycle-related transportation matters. The BAC evaluates legislation, policy and transportation infrastructure, providing analysis and technical expertise to the legislative and executive branches of DC government.

DowntownDC BID
The DowntownDC Business Improvement District (BID) was founded in 1997 and is a private non-profit organization that provides capital improvements, resources and research that keep the BID area clean, safe, economically and environmentally strong and accessible. The DowntownDC BID is a catalyst, facilitator and thought leader in diversifying the economy, promoting public/private partnerships and enhancing the DowntownDC experience for all.

Potomac Pedalers Touring Club
Potomac Pedalers is a non-profit educational, recreational and social organization for bicycling enthusiasts. We are one of the largest bicycle clubs in the United States, and the largest in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area. Potomac Pedalers is affiliated with the League of American Bicyclists.

Netwalking® is a women-owned social impact company that is reinventing the in-person group meeting experience at work and events to transform individuals and communities by walking together — in order to boost our emotional, social and physical well-being. We create opportunities to explore local communities, interact with business and social impact leaders, shop local, discover hidden gems and nature, as a way to connect, build a stronger community, break down barriers, increase collaboration, and stay healthy all at the same time.

Federal City Council
The Federal City Council (FC2) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, membership-based organization dedicated to the advancement of civic life in the nation’s capital. Established in 1954, the FC2 recognizes that improvements in the District of Columbia’s social, economic and physical infrastructure require innovative, tireless work. FC2 seeks long-term solutions to complex, community-based problems that produce lasting change and a stronger D.C.

Green Spaces for DC
Green Spaces for DC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that fosters stewardship and improves the quality of parks and open spaces through advocacy, development and strengthening of organizational capacity, and establishing partnerships and networks that share information and resources. Through the provision of fiscal sponsorship services, Green Spaces for DC helps communities improve, create, and support parks and green spaces and promote the benefits they provide.

Park Rx America
Park Rx America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to decrease the burden of chronic disease, increase health and happiness, and foster environmental stewardship, by virtue of prescribing visits to parks and natural areas during the routine delivery of healthcare by a diverse group of health care professionals. Park Rx America works with a variety of audiences to promote the physical and mental health benefits of being outdoors, including public schools, colleges and universities, and employee health and wellness programs.

The Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail
The Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail (CCCT) is a non-profit volunteer citizens’ group promoting a first class development of the 11.2 mile Rail-to-Trail conversion from Georgetown, D.C. to Silver Spring, MD, for multi-purpose, recreational use.

Appalachian Mountain Club Potomac Chapter
The Appalachian Mountain Club’s mission is to foster the protection, enjoyment, and understanding of the outdoors. We protect the mountains forests, waters, and trails of the Northeast through hands-on stewardship, scientific research, and public policy advocacy. AMC and our volunteers care for more than 1,800 miles of trails throughout the Northeast, including nearly 350 miles of the Appalachian Trail in five states. AMC staff and volunteers plan, develop, and support trail initiatives across our region.

Bowie Multimodal Access and Public Spaces (MAPS)
Bowie Connect is an initiative of the Multimodal Transportation and Public Spaces (MaPS) subgroup of the Green Team. The goal of the initiative is to build infrastructure and raise awareness about efforts that connect our community. MaPS is a community-based citizen advisory group who’s goal is to make the community around us a better, happier place to live. We promote, advise and advocate to the City Council to build infrastructure in and around the city that allows people to connect to community resources and to each other through walkable and bikeable transportation options, and the creation of vibrant public spaces.

Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County
Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County is an advocacy organization working to ensure that Arlingtonians have sustainable transportation options. Transportation is now the #1 contributor to atmospheric CO2. Shifting our transportation to sustainable options is vital to slowing Climate Change.

Coburn & Greenbaum PLLC is a litigation boutique in Washington, DC specializing in white-collar criminal defense, government investigations, employment law, and complex civil litigation. Coburn & Greenbaum PLLC recognizes the economic, social, environmental, and public health benefit of trails, our organization/agency, and is pleased to serve as a partner in the Capital Trails Coalition.

Potomac & Chesapeake Cycling
At Potomac & Chesapeake Cycling we are all about getting active. Whether it is your community, work place or yourself we have programs and activities to get you moving. Is your neighborhood or broader community safe and conducive for walking and biking? What can I or my employer do to help coworkers be active and ultimately more productive? You and your friends want to be more active in your daily life.

Proteus Bicycles
Proteus Bicycles has been a College Park institution for over 40 years and is a full-service bike shop with a diverse range of gear and services that will fit the needs of beginners to experts. Their mission is to help customers get on a bike that’s fit best to their needs so that they can ride to their heart’s content! Proteus is a very community-focused bike shop and offers opportunities to connect within the cycling community through shop rides, coffee meet-up, and their Proteus Velo Club.

Phoenix Bikes
Phoenix Bikes’ mission is to educate youth, promote bicycling, and build community. Phoenix Bikes has supported local youth in the DC Metro area since 2007 – providing a safe, nurturing and educational environment that reinforces teamwork, hard work, and entrepreneurship through bike maintenance education programs.

Northern Gateway CDC
Maryland’s International Corridor Community Development Corporation DBA Northern Gateway CDC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the State of Maryland. We represent a collection of community members, organizations, civic leaders, and businesses dedicated to making the Northern Gateway a great place to visit, live, and work.

Friends of Anacostia Park
The Friends of Anacostia Park elevates Washingtonians as the protectors of Anacostia Park. They connect the dots between the preservation of the environment and the uplift of historically under-resourced communities.

Bunch Bikes
Bunch Bikes is North America’s largest front-load cargo bike brand. They are working to change the way that families bike together.

Anacostia Parks and Community Collaborative (APACC)
The Anacostia Parks & Community Collaborative (APACC) is a network of community leaders and organizations working together to make the Anacostia River and its park system the best possible resource for residents of Ward 7 and 8 in the District of Columbia.

DC Bilingual Public Charter School
DC Bilingual provides an innovative dual immersion Spanish and English learning program for all students, regardless of their home language. Through their rigorous academic curriculum, comprehensive arts, technology, and athletics programs, and the celebration of diverse cultures, DC Bilingual’s students learn the skills and values they need to become influential participants in their community.
DC Bilingual Public Charter School Parent Teacher Association
The PTA supports DC Bilingual’s mission and vision by providing support for the work of our teachers and staff, and seeking to improve outcomes for all students. They work closely with the teachers, staff, and administration, and serve as a voice for DCB parents and teachers. The PTA’s Transportation Committee continues to advocate for traffic safety improvements in our neighborhood, as well as safe biking routes and drop-off locations through the Biking Subcommittee.

Bikes for the World
The mission of Bikes for the World is to make affordable, good quality used bicycles available to low-income people in developing countries. These donated bikes provide better transport for work, education, and health care. Bikes for the World also generates additional skilled employment in bike repair and maintenance overseas, and provides satisfying environmental and humanitarian service opportunities for volunteers locally in the Washington, DC Metro region.

Greater Prince William Trails Coalition
The Greater Prince William Trails Coalition is a collaboration of public and private organizations, agencies, and citizen volunteers working to advance the completion of an interconnected, interjurisdictional network of multi-use trails.

Oxon Hill Bicycle & Trail Club, Inc.
Oxon Hill Bicycle & Trail Club, Inc. is a non-profit, membership organization incorporated in 1972 to promote bicycling as a means of transportation, recreation, health, and physical fitness. It is an active bicycling club with members and rides in Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Northern Virginia. Membership is open to cyclists of all ages and abilities.

The Conservation Fund
The Conservation Fund is in the business of conservation, creating innovative solutions that drive nature-based action for climate protection, sustainable economies and vibrant communities.
Advisory Members:

National Park Service
The National Park Service (NPS) preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The National Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world. Within the National Capital Region, the NPS paved trail network spans more than 95 miles and links together some of our nation’s most significant cultural heritage, natural resources, and outdoor recreational assets.

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency
The mission of the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) is to lead the planning and coordination of homeland security and emergency management efforts to ensure that the District of Columbia is prepared to prevent, protect against, respond to, mitigate and recover from all threats and hazards.

Arlington County Department of Environmental Services (DOT)
To make Arlington County a vibrant, accessible and sustainable community through strategic transportation, environmental and capital investment projects, while providing excellent customer service, operations and maintenance in a safe and healthy environment for all.

M-NCPPC Department of Parks and Recreation
M-NCPPC’s Department of Parks and Recreation in Prince George’s County is a well-respected leader in the field with an unprecedented six national gold medals for excellence. The Department provides quality recreation programs, facilities, and services for residents and visitors. The Department also operates and maintains more than 27,000 acres of parkland throughout the county, including land developed to provide parks, picnic areas, athletic fields, historic sites, community centers, and recreation facilities.

M-NCPPC Montgomery Parks
M-NCPPC’s Department of Parks in Montgomery County’s mission is to protect and interpret our valuable natural and cultural resources; balance demand for recreation with the need for conservation; offer various enjoyable recreational activities that encourage healthy lifestyles; and provide clean, safe, and accessible places.

Federal Emergency Management Agency
The mission of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is helping people before, during and after disasters. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., FEMA employs more than 20,000 people across 10 regional offices. The agency leverages a tremendous capacity to coordinate within the federal government to make sure America is equipped to prepare for and respond to disasters.

George Mason University
George Mason University is a public research university located in Fairfax County, with satellite campuses in Arlington and Prince William Counties. Mason Parking and Transportation oversees the transportation demand management program, including bicycle and ride-sharing, Commonwealth Commuter Choice, and more. We work collaboratively to support a cycling culture on-campus and around the region.

District of Columbia Department of Health
The District of Columbia Department of Health promotes health, wellness and equity across the District, and protects the safety of residents, visitors and those doing business in our nation’s capital.
Other Partners
The Coalition also has representatives from the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG), the Metropolitan Washington Metro Area Transit Authority (WMATA), and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT).