Anacostia River Trail
The Anacostia River Trail (ART) was developed as part of the decades-long Anacostia Waterfront Initiative, connecting riverfront communities to each other and to recreational opportunities along the river. Only 4.2 miles of 24 have yet to be completed. The project received a US Department of Transportation TIGER Grant in 2012 to fund construction of the segment adjacent to the Kenilworth Aquatic Garden. This segment was completed in 2016, providing a crucial 4-mile link between Bladensburg Waterfront Park and the southern section of the Anacostia River Trail.
Quick Facts
Length: 4.2 miles remaining
Jurisdiction: DC, National Parks Service
Plan Reference: Anacostia Waterfront Transportation Master Plan, NPS Paved Trails Study, Move DC
Status: Partially funded
Currently, five outstanding segments need to be completed:
(1) the Arboretum Bridge and Trail (which would connect the ART to the National Arboretum and extend it to Maryland Avenue SE),
(2) a segment that would connect to the aforementioned bridge on the river’s east bank, keeping the trail adjacent to the river bank and bypassing the on-street local neighborhood route through the Parkside community in Northeast DC,
(3) an extension of the trail through NPS parkland to connect with the Anacostia Metro Station,
(4) a short extension of the trail from Maritime Plaza to the planned protected bike lane along Virginia Avenue SE, and
(5) The completion of the Riverwalk Trail along the waterfront on Buzzard Point, and connecting to the Washington Channel via 2nd St in SW DC.
Where is this project in the trail network?
The Anacostia River Trail is mostly complete; the incomplete segments are highlighted in red. Click below to view the interactive web map.
When can you use it?
Trail development is complicated. Here’s where the Anacostia River Trail is in the process:
Who supports the Anacostia River Trail?

—Malusi Kitchen, ART user